Local Manufacturing – a reality or just a temporary green gimmick?

Halle 6 / Kohlebunker / Zenith Areal

Panel Discussion about urban local manufacturing philosophy with the help of automation, digitized software and blockchain. Nowadays the apparel sector is facing new challenges to shift from low cost suppliers to local sources in the European neighbourhood. (EN)

Extending the lifespan of a pair of jean


As consumers adapt a new lifestyle with changing needs and buying patterns, as well as becoming more conscious-savvy, the "making" process reinvents itself with changing perspectives in design; embracing a more holistic approach from fiber-to-fashion, implementing cutting-edge technologies. ORTA ANADOLU and THE LYCRA COMPANY join their forces and explore innovative solutions to extend lifespan of […]

Energy, the silent and giant raw material in Denim

TREND LECTURES | Keyhouse - Hall 5

Lets take a look at the state of energy as it relates to Denim production. What resources are being used today, how is it stored, what renewables sources are available now and in the future.

Empowering creativity – How digital textile printing supports young designers to unleash their creativity in a sustainable way

TREND LECTURES | Keyhouse - Hall 5

Producing sustainable fashion and not being limited in creativity shouldn’t be a compromise. Revolutionizing the fashion tech industry, Kornit’s systems enable new, unprecedented dimensions of digital textile printing in a sustainable way. With an example of young designers understanding the urge of re-thinking, this talk shall give an insight of how creative boundaries can be […]


TREND LECTURES | Keyhouse - Hall 5

Get a preview of the third annual “The Circle Book", a collaborative project which garment capsule incorporating circular materials and design concepts. Each year, The Circle Book evolves corresponding with society views. Including global designers, fabrics mills, responsible dyes and trims. What are some of the new materials used in the collection? How will circularity […]

A Supplier’s Guide to Key Sustainability Legislation in the EU, US, and UK


The legislative landscape in Europe, the UK, and the USA is evolving quickly and is likely to have far-reaching implications for apparel suppliers worldwide. To better understand these legislative initiatives and their consequences for suppliers specifically, Transformers Foundation came together with Epic Group, Gore Fabrics, Norlanka, Shahi Exports, Simple Approach, and GIZ FABRIC to co-commission […]

Hurdles of the circular economy

TREND LECTURES | Keyhouse - Hall 5

Why are the processes so complex? (Panel Discussion will be held in German)

Regenerative Fashion

TREND LECTURES | Keyhouse - Hall 5

In dieser Diskussion gehen die Speaker*innen dem derzeitigen Trendbegriff „regenerativ“ auf die Spur und hinterfragen sowohl die Bedeutung als auch die Wirksamkeit von regenerativer Mode.

FASHION FORWARD – Einfluss von Materialien und Herstellungsprozessen auf Modedesign

TREND LECTURES | Keyhouse - Hall 5

Welche Rolle spielen Materialien im Modedesign? Wie können Tradition und Innovation eine Symbiose eingehen? Und welche Materialien sind wirklich am „nachhaltigsten“? Designer:innen und Marken verfolgen heutzutage diverse Strategien, wenn es darum geht nachhaltige Stoffe in ihre Kollektionen zu integrieren – von neuartigen Fasern über umweltfreundliche Materialien bis hin zu Upcycling-Artikeln. In diesem Panel diskutieren wir […]